19 Feb 23How Far Can Binoculars See?How far can binoculars see? It depends on the model of binoculars, up to 2,500 meters.
16 Feb 23Monocular vs. BinocularThe monocular has a large aperture and a large magnification, which is also a great advantage of the monocular, and it is also its most attractive place. Of course, some single tubes are very small, e...
13 Feb 23What Is Driver Vision Enhancer?Definition of driver vision enhancerDriver vision enhancer is to provide auxiliary support to the driver in the process of driving the vehicle, which makes it easier and safer for the driver to drive ...
09 Feb 23Thermal Scope TerminologyA thermal rifle scope is one that displays your field of view using a heat-sensing imaging core rather than visible or infrared light and is used for nighttime hunting.
10 Oct 22About Electro Optic System And Counter-UASWhat are electro optic systems?Electro optic systems are a combination of optics and electronics. The common electro optic systemss includes visible light and laser systems. Infrared systems, also bel...
08 Oct 22Infrared Movement's Definition & Infrared Thermal Module's ClassificationDefinition of infrared movementInfrared movement generally refers to infrared detectors, similar to visible light image sensors COMS and CCD. Infrared detectors are generally divided into refrigerated...
07 Sep 22How To Prevent Forest Fire Prevention?At present, two main technologies are mainly used in forest fire prevention and early warning monitoring: on the one hand, satellite and remote sensing image technology are used to monitor forest fire...